Maxim Trafimov

This site is not intended as a CV replacement, rather than as additional comments for some aspects of it. Feel free to write me directly at LinkedIn.

About me

I'm a T-shape software engineer with ~5 years of commercial experience, with strong passion to complex systems and artificial intelligence. I'm holding a BS degree in Computer Science. My main specialization is Backend Engineering(Java & Spring), but I also have some experience in the other areas.

(Click on skill name to see the details)

My skillset:

Backend Engineering (strong)

Level: I can independently design, develop and deploy complex services without any supervise.

Commercial experience:
  • Java 8/11/14/17, Java EE(servlets and stuff), Spring(Boot 2/3; Cloud; Spring Data JPA/JDBC; Hibernate; Web; Security; Actuator), Micronaut, WebSockets, ActiveMq, Kafka, Microservices.

  • Some expertise in concurrency(batch data processing, execution services, locks, Future). Small experience in Kotlin and reactive frameworks.

  • Experience of writing e2e, integration and unit tests using Spock and Groovy, Mockito, JUnit.

  • Writing and supporting javadocs and project documentation. Mentoring junior team-members.

DevOps (strong)

Understanding of DevOps is not just as a skill, but as a methodology.

Level: I can design and create the entire infrastructure from scratch, using an UI or Infrastructure-as-a-code, including the CI/CD. My unix-skills are enough to solve most of the problems (I'm holding a home server on RaspberryPI; I've build ArchLinux when I was 15 y.o.)

Commercial experience:
  • AWS(ECR, EBS, EC2, SM, IAM, S3, RDS, SQS/SNS, SES, SageMaker), GCP, docker/podman, docker-compose, terraform. Jenkins, Gitlab CI/CD.

  • Writing shell scripts(bash), python utils (Telegram bots, DB migration tools, stress-testing tool).

Data Engineering/DB-ops (medium)

Level: I know the difference between primary and foreign keys, EXPLAIN keyword, ACID, CAP, consistency and isolation levels, partitioning, sharding, transactions. I've build the simple data ETL pipelines. I've performed zero-downtime db migrations at Twilio(as a contractor).

Commercial experience:
  • PostgsreSQL, MongoDB, MySql, MariaDB, OracleDb, T-SQL(Microsoft). Simple queries(max 2 joins). Performance analyses and debugging.

Some theory knowledge: Apache cassandra, HDFS/GFS, HBase, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Spanner.

Security (~OWASP top 10)

Level: Aware of CORS, xss, sql injections, url-directory traversal, DoS/DDoS.

Commerical experience:

Implementing the Oauth2 authorization flow & setting-up 3rd-party connectors.

Data analyses and Artifical Intelligence (basics)

Level: I have huge interest in this domain, but for now my skills are & scikit.predict(). I'm aware of general AI algorithms(A* search). I know the basic principes of work of neural networks, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing.

Commercial experience:
  • Data Analyses, prototyping and implementation of AI-based Ad-generation and monitoring solution .Jupyter notebook, Numpy, pandas, scikit-learn.

Other experience:

I've completed/semi-completed multiple courses on Coursera(Introduction to ML by Andrew Ng, Yandex introduction to NLP), Kaggle(house price prediction), Udemy(AI in practice, developing AI agents).

Frontend (basics)

Level: Currently I'm completing the Fullstack Open course

Other experience:

Small experience with pet-projects with fronend on React 18 and Vue.js 3 and the backend on node.js;


Work preferences

The job market is hard now, so there's not much options to choose from.

basic preferences:

ok to work from Wroclaw, Poland and b2b contract. Discussable, if you are near~FAANG company. (Otherwise, I'll need a CoE work invintation from you and/or relocation assistance. )

nice to have:
  • Long term contract(year+) and space to grow technically and personally;

  • Interesting product or product with obvious benefit for humanity🙂; Modern tech-stack(Java17+ or Kotlin); High-load or low-latency; non-monotonic job;

Notable mentions
  • Some completed courses & books in System Design & Distributed Systems domain
  • Wide knowledge about the Computer Science
  • I have experience of working in the US-based companies and english-speaking environment
  • I have experience of direct engaing with the customers. I know the basics of GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA.
  • I have experience of working with Jira/Confluence, and I'm trying to keep all things up-to-date, incl. writing status comments.
Contract/other links